If you recall the message from yesterday titled “The Hand Of Time” there was an analogy made of the gears within a clock. This morning to broaden our view it is important to recognize that the overall motion of time never stops moving ahead. It might appear that we get stuck at times or travel in circles but it is during these times that we should be seeking to learn within the season that we are in.
Think about it like this: Each individual is a gear and every home represents a single wrist watch that is to be ran in love. Now each family of God that joins together in a church can be compared to the formation of a clock. As the individual watches learn to unite as one we can recognize the formation of the hand. All around the world there are individual gears that help to make up the overall watch and could you imagine if we were all in sink? These watches that are all around the world which represent the body of Christ are only bigger gears which construct a larger clock in the hand of time. The object is for each gear not to fight for position but to serve as one under Jesus Christ to lead the Way.
Learning to expand and function within the body of Christ can bring growing pains at times due to our human flesh but it is during these times that we can often witness the hand of God at work as we place our trust in Him. Another object for us is to continue forward on the path that we are given without doubting the hand of God who shows us the Way. For what good is a watch or a clock that’s hand doesn’t properly function in time? Like any watch sometimes we have to be reset as well in order to recognize and appreciate the time. May you have a blessed day and please join us again tomorrow morning on what keeps the clock ticking…
“Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.” Philippians 2:2
James A. Harrison
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