Man can construct a watch and try to build a clock but it is only a matter of time before they stop ticking when they are not ran by the spirit of God. The object is to recognize the driver to insure the proper spirit carrying them forward. Many people take steps forward in life but later tend to discover that it was not the road meant to travel. We can also witness those that are built and driven by money instead of faith for when the money dries up is when it dissipates.
We have all heard that it takes money to make things happen or for the world go round but this is so wrong. For it is God that carries us forward and it is our faith that keeps things ticking. As the Israelites left their bondage in Egypt they started out walking as God instructed and once they took their steps forward in faith this activated the Egyptians to provide their provisions. This same lesson was repeated here in America as our ancestors left the bondage in Great Britain. Can you see the parallel of freedom of religion and how the provisions were provided as the Israelites to the Americans? See many people miss the boat with Jesus due to never taking that step in faith. It is when we rely on anything else other than God that it is only a matter of time before the clock stops ticking.
With this being said may I encourage you from experience to insure your steps with God before you step forward. For man wants to build bridges to walk over the water to reach their destination but God says to step into the water to activate your faith…
James A. Harrison
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