It is very easy in this physical life to get caught up in self and forget how God is the Potter and we are the clay. Everyday we encounter spiritual hands around us that are there to help shape us into who God wants us to be but too many times we take our eyes off of God and we place them back upon man. Being formed and shaped is not something that feels good until we recognize the Potters hand at work because often the areas that need to be addressed are the ones that have become hard and require the most pressure to get back in line.
The object is in being obedient to God in allowing His Holy Spirit to be the one that is directing the pressure and allowing Him to reshape us from within as we keep our eyes upon God. Have you ever formed a clay pot and learned the principles of not enough pressure and too much pressure to develop the vessel that is to carry the water or to hold the plant? Have you ever held up a clay pot to the light to insure there were no cracks in the vessel?
Throughout the Word of God He teaches us how He works through people to teach us lessons and to help us stay in tune even if we are bent out of shape. The next time something takes place that causes you to get bent out of shape seek God before you react to insure that you act in love. For there is nothing like being shaped and molded in the love of God to mature into the vessel that we are to be….Amen
James A. Harrison
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