If you were to study spiritual warfare you would find that the art of war is to walk behind the enemy lines and learn the weaknesses of the opponent in order to turn their weaknesses into strengths. As the enemy walks in the camp he or she opens the doors for others of its kind to enter. The object of the enemy is to infiltrate the camp to the point where its opponent gets weak and to those who don’t surrender then the enemy will take them out in order to gain control.
This is what has taken place here in America and if we don’t WAKE UP to this Truth then we better prepare for what is sure to come! God has given us dominion over this earth but without the knowledge of His Word and the discernment between good and evil then we are prey for the spiritual enemy of Satan. Tactfully Satan has slithered into the homes and robbed many fathers of how to be men of God. Then from this the spirit of Satan has slipped into many churches to gain control from the pulpits in order to weaken the people and to cause disunity within the body. This disunity has caused many other denominations to bring further division within the people by causing many to fight for the head position that has been already put into place through Jesus Christ. With all of this and much more this warfare tactic this has allowed Satan to seize control through ungodly leadership which is tearing down the American country.
God gave us this country as He gave the Jews Israel and if we don’t WAKE UP to face the Truth then our days of freedom are numbered before the spiritual enemy of Satan seizes control! If you want change then it first starts with you and then it spreads to your home then to your community and then to the nation. If you were to seriously look within your home who would you find in control? Would it be God or would it be Satan? If you think that you are in control without admitting that God is first then you are only deceiving yourself and giving victory to the enemy….I pray that America WAKES UP to this Truth and begins to recognize where we got off course in order to turn back to God for our children’s future….
James A. Harrison
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