The other morning a father was sharing with me about driving with his daughter for the 1st time since she received her drivers license. He said as they were driving down the road she continued to fight the wheel from the left to the right. She was nervous as an inexperienced driver. Finally the father said to his daughter,”Quit fighting the wheel and allow the car to drive itself.” This took trust from the father and it relieved his daughter as they then enjoyed the ride.
Immediately the Lord quickened my spirit with a message and understanding to share.”When we try to keep our hands wrapped around the wheel without trusting in God to carry us forward then we are trying to drive in self instead of allowing Jesus to take the wheel.” There is a freedom in the spirit of God that can be discovered when we learn to take our hands off and allow God’s hands to carry us forward. Many never discover this due to their own fears of losing control or for simply never giving someone a chance to take the wheel.
As the daughter understood we too should understand the purpose of the father in the car to assist her in the beginning. As the father on the other hand should recognize his part as well in learning how to let go for his daughter to drive on her own and learn trust in God who is ultimately in control. The object is recognizing the season of every child in order for them to carry out their purpose in life through the love of Jesus Christ…amen
Here is a song by Carrie Underwood titled Jesus Take The Wheel that may encourage you this morning…
James A. Harrison
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