How deaf or naive must we become before we recognize the hand of God at work in allowing a lesson to take place in our life or in our nation due to our disobedience in the Word of God? Have we as a nation here in America reached the point of no return in the downward spiral of our moral decline and the lack of integrity being shown in man?
As any father that loves his children we allow lessons to come upon them when they simply won’t listen and this same principle is applied today with our Father in Heaven within His creation. Throughout history there are many valuable lessons of Truth that can be recognized in the Holy Bible and applied in our obedience and disobedience in the Word of God. It first starts on an individual level and then spreads to our homes, then to our communities and then to our nation. There is evidence all around the world today of what is to come when we drift away from teaching and holding ourselves accountable under God for the actions that we take. Look at Egypt this week and what is taking place as just one example of many in what happens in the lack of godly leadership leading the people and teaching the importance of trusting God instead of taking matters into their own hands.
With godly men and women in leadership positions that are willing to serve the will of God instead of something for themselves this opens the doors for the blessings of God to fall back upon our homes and our nation. This has been understood before in leadership and can easily be reflected in Genesis 45 with Pharaoh in Egypt in his recognition of the spirit of God working through the life of Joseph. During this term with Pharaoh and Joseph there are many valuable lessons that can be applied today in order to help prepare us for tomorrow.
Ronald Reagan once said, “Within the covers of the Bible are all the answers for all the problems men face.” And he later said, “We are never defeated unless we give up on God.”
Throughout the Word of God we can witness this lesson of the rise and fall of nations when they turn their backs on God or when they begin to prostitute the Lord as Israel was doing in the time period with Eli that had fallen to complacency and obesity. Look at today’s time period with Europe and how many of their churches are empty with no direction for their future. How about America in the economic debt, moral decline and obesity within the nation that is taking place due to the disobedience in following the Word of God?
How many times does history have to repeat itself before we simply see where we have gone wrong? Does the fall of the Roman Empire have to take place again here in America today due to the over sized government and the burdens that are being placed upon the people? How long do we have to live in a moral and economic decline before our leadership Wakes Up to this Truth in order for our nation to be here for our children’s future?
When we stay close to God He not only protects us but He gives us the wisdom to recognize the seasons that we are in to prepare for what is to come. In spiritual warfare that we often forget when we get wrapped up in the world, the enemy works to distract us in foreign areas or affairs in order to make us vulnerable for the attack that is sure to come within our home. This warfare principle works on an individual level to a national level with the same principle that can be applied when we lose our balance in where we stand.
No matter where we are or the position that we have been given by God as a mother, father, teacher, business owner, pastor or a government leader don’t allow the spiritual enemy of Satan to distract you in areas where you become weak and vulnerable to the world. As a child of God, we have a responsibility to stay alert and to keep our relationships alive for the security of our children’s future and to maintain the integrity within our homes. This is much bigger than what we think and we can not live this temporary life without the Lord guiding us in our homes and in our nation. How long must we lose our hearing before we return to God to help us clean out the wax of the world that is causing us to be vulnerable to the enemy and lose our standing within our own homes?
When we learn from our past is when we can make something stronger for our future….
James A. Harrison
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