It is easy to act in obedience to God when we are around other believers but the real question is,”Who are we?” when no one is around. Have you ever considered the way you act or speak in front of some people and then the way you actin front of others? Are you consistent in your walk or would others find a hypocrite in your actions?
With the Lord in the center of our lives we can find a balance in our attitudes and actions due to being anchored with Jesus at the cross. When you meet individuals that are not anchored you will find that they either have to put up a front or they simply just reveal who robs them of their joy by the way they act and react.
God wants our obedience to His Word and with our obedience there should be a consistent pattern in our lives that carries us forward. If you find yourself saying something to one individual that you would not want repeated to someone else or acting one way in front of the world but another way in front of other Christians then we need to ask ourselves this question, “Are we real or are we being fake?”
James A. Harrison
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