Last night my wife and I went to see this movie titled “Knowing” starring Nicholas Cage. I was unaware of the movie or anything of its content prior to viewing. During the movie I was astonished at the message it contained and how it compared to the message in this website and especially to the message in the book titled “Special Delivery.” In the book Special Delivery I was given a message that explains how everything has a distinct purpose in time and how all small things build to big things because without the small things there would be no big things. This message in the book recently released is in perfect timing for the release of this movie and with this being said, ” Do you know that everything has a purpose in Gods’ timing?”
One thing that man has done wrong is tried to figure out numbers and dates causing them to lose site of true living in the spirit of God. In the Word of God we are specifically taught that No man knoweth the day nor the hour and in this movie it plainly shows how when we know what the future holds then we forget the joys in the days at hand. Review the message that I received June 18, 2008 during a morning walk which is noted on the Letters To The Church Page and put the pieces to the puzzle together if you can to hear something beyond man.
Knowing is a movie of faith that is hidden beneath the marketing surface and the question is ,” Do you know where your faith stands?” When viewing the movie pay attention to the writing on the van near the end of the show when all the chaos begins to take place. It was placed there in this movie for a reason and the question is again, “Do you have the spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear the message?”
Here is a link to the movie Knowing and when you view this movie one day I challenge you to put the pieces of the puzzle together between it, this website and the message within the book. This puzzle reaches beyond this world to the heavens above to those that truly believe.
Please feel free to watch the movie trailer below:
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