The movie Hancock starring Will Smith is an interesting movie that shows what happens when we are lost and feel all alone. We can become dangerous and even self destructive to not only ourselves but even to those that are around us. We all go through pains in life and search for answers to things that we do not even understand. Like Will Smiths character he did not even know how to share his inner self due to the hurt that he was carrying inside and instead of searching for spiritual help in seeking God directly he began to listen to God working through others in words that eventually showed him the way back to himself.
It is very easy in life to become bitter and turn to substitutes that will temporarilly fill a void. But as you could see in this movie when Will finally began to look within and release what washolding him back the power which he was given began to even grow with more strength once he learned the respect of discipline within power. This is exactly the message within the discipline in the Word of God and the reason we are taught to confess our hurts to overcome our pains. Once we learn how to release what is holding us back then it is only a matter of time before we learn to fly in the spirit of God as Will Smiths character showed in taking off to the skies. The sky is the limit and with the discipline and order of God then we learn to fly like we never knew, and it is in this process that we learn to help others along the way because this is the proper way.
We all have special talents and even powers that we don’t even know that we contain because we allow ourselves to cover them up with hurt and with worrying too much about what others may think in putting restrictions upon man rather than entering into the spirit of God in knowing that we can! Life is such a powerful and beautiful thing but far too often we allow the world to hold us back. Once we learn how to Let It Go in the love of God through Jesus Christ then He will get us back on track as long as we stick to the facts…amen
Please feel free to watch the movie trailer below:
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