In the movie “Ghost of Girfriends Past” starring Matthew McConaughey, Michael Douglas and Jennifer Garner it gives a message of how shallow our lives are without true love in our life. At first I struggled with this movie and almost walked out due to the sexual content and the lack of respect that Matthews character had for the feelings of others. But as the movie progressed I began to see the message in the glory of God and how the Lord is preparing the secular world through outside resources in order to return to that first love that many have lost. There is a biblical parallel to this movie and what we are taught in Revelation 2 in the letter to the church of Ephesus.
We are told in this letter to the church,”That we don’t love the Lord or each other as we did at first. Look how far we have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first. If you don’t repent, I will come and remove your lamp-stand from its place among the churches.”
When you study this instruction from God in the Holy Bible and view the overall message within the movie Ghost of Girfriends Past it is plain to see the void and loss of direction when we fall to the world and neglect the feelings in love that we all carry. Deep down inside every single living soul wants to be loved! But due to our society in how far we have fallen to selfish behavior we have lost touch with the strength we carry in the love that is given through Jesus Christ. There is nothing better in this world than sincere love with respect for life in everything we are given.
In the movie Matthew McConaughey made a wise statement of biblical truth in a toast to his brother about true love. He said this in the message but maybe not in exact words,” He wanted to be like his brother who gave love in all all directions but never asked for anything in return.” Compare this statement to the life of Jesus Christ and see for yourself how the Lord touches us in places we never expect. True love gives and never looks for anything in return and this is exactly what Jesus taught us in His walk of life.
When or if you view this movie remove yourself from the physical and look at it in the spiritual to see how Matthew can represent the Christian body in America and how this country is hurting deeply on the inside because it can’t swallow its pride to realize how lost we are in this fallen world. It is time that America Wakes Up to this truth, cries in tears of rain and returns back to our foundation and first love in Jesus Christ. When we do this there will be great joy in lifting the evil spirits that have been holding us back from the love that we all carry inside.
It is very easy in this world when we have been hurt at some point in our life to shut off our feelings and go into self preservation thinking as Matthew went into within this movie. But this is very unhealthy and even shallow in the end just as the message in the movie reveals to us in the regrets of Michael Douglas that he shared with Matthew in order to keep him from traveling the lonely road that he went down. We all need to be slapped from time to time with the Truth like Jennifer gave to Matthew in this movie because without the Truth there is no hope and a lonely life.
Here is a poem from the book Special Delivery on pages 106 – 107 that the Lord placed on my heart that relates to the message within this movie and the beauty within true love:
Riding A Wave
Marriage is like riding a wave. Some individuals become anxious and fail to wait on the right one. While some just drift looking for the perfect wave that never comes or just passes them by.
There is no perfect wave but only the One of God and the object to locating your wave that will fit is learning how to accept what you have and learning how to commit.
Before you begin, it is best to start out slow. First on your stomach, then to your knees and when you feel the time is right you learn how to stand hand in hand.
As you both begin to balance riding the same wave and learn to travel the same common direction, you never take your focus off the one you love to maintain your balance in giving that needed affection. Sometimes the waves may get choppy but you can learn how to ride by always keeping your love right by your side.
There will be times when you must part but this does not mean that it is any different from the start. You can always feel their presence no matter the distance you may be because you know the love that you carry in your heart.
In these times that you are not physically together you are still traveling the same direction because you are spiritually connected. This is like being in a love tunnel inside the same wave in not being able to see each other but you know you both are going the same Way.
While the other may be on top and you are in the tunnel you both stand strong maintaining your balance in the love that you carry. Sometimes the rolls may reverse from who is on top but where the confidence comes in is knowing that neither will stop!
A relationship takes daily nourishment to stay on the same wave. It is when we neglect these principles in love that we will begin to drift apart.
If you truly want your love to grow in every aspect of life then feed it daily with the love of Jesus Christ and your love will never part in every day that you start! Amen
James Harrison
Please feel free to watch the movie trailer below:
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