In the movie ” Angels & Demons” starring Tom Hanks he plays a roll of a Harvard professor that has become stuck in this world by not understanding how to let go of what we see in the physical to believe in the spiritual. It is in our human nature to only believe what we see before us. But there comes a point in life just as Tom Hanks character that we will begin to open up our eyes and ears in serving the Lord with no fears. This is what Tom Hanks did in this movie in risking his life for others while not even seeing what was really taking place in his actions while being caught up in the mystery of the Illuminati. Throughout the movie he never realized how God was working through him and in the end he began to see how he was used to set others free.
There are several messages throughout this movie but there were two that really stood out above all others. One is the battle between the church and science and the other is the reason for the church order to hold things together. Both of these topics are addressed in the book Special Delivery and this movie also shows the fine line between the two when we don’t understand power and when the church restricts or hides the truth from the people.
Here is the wisdom that God has given me to now share with you. Without God man can’t control power! And with God we receive the discipline we need to protect His people and build for the future! Over the years between science and the church they have battled and caused many souls to become lost because they did not properly teach the Word of God. God gives us the wisdom and knowledge to do everything we do from walking on the moon, to creating nuclear energy, to replacing human organs and the list goes on and on. But over the years of the church and the scientist not standing together in praising God for the resources which He gives we have allowed the praise to fall into the hands of man that did not properly understand.
There is such a fine line in this that has caused so many to stumble. Until man realizes that we don’t have all the answers and learn to adhere to the discipline of God to control the powers which He gives then there is always going to be a threat of penetration that will affect someones generation. This movie is real in how demons can enter into our church, our government and our homes when we separate ourselves from God through Jesus Christ which protects our homes and our children’s future.
Everyone has a roll whether they know it or not in life . Some never figure it out, some know it on the inside but choose to not show it on the outside, while others just can’t let go of what is holding them back in the glory of God by just admitting that we don’t have all the answers. It is imperative that every person understands that there is much more to this life than what we can physically see because true life is being spiritually free.
James Harrison
Please feel free to watch the movie trailer below:
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