Where are the men of God?!
Where are the men of God that once stood as true leaders not only in their homes but in doing their jobs as leaders in properly serving the people? I can remember a time when true leaders boldly stood up on the Word of God in striving to help the people instead of seeing what they can take away from the people. They did not worry about their age or what they would face because they believed in what they stood for in not for themselves but for the children of the future and now where are they? Are they asleep? Are they too concerned of persecution? Or are they to worried about what they may lose? Being a man of God does not mean to lay down in hard times while thinking there is no hope! In order for us to regain what we have lost we must work together in the body of Christ to serve and obey in what is right for our children of tomorrow! For Jesus plainly tells us, “Those who lead my children astray might as well put a millstone around their neck!”
Our country as a whole has fallen to sin because men have forgotten how to unify in the body. While others have become lazy, tolerant, blind, deaf and too secure in their material life to risk losing what they think they own instead of speaking what is right by God and wrong in sin. If men do not begin to come together as one and stand up in faith with Jesus in their hearts in what is right by God, then what do you honestly see in the future for our children of tomorrow?
Our children have fallen to games and little skills of physical work outside the technology market and this is a major concern. So I ask you, “If this generation has passed and the country has another great depression or famine what do you see in the survival of our children? How much evil would there be and loss of direction without the Word of God? Can you see the importance of coming together to regain strength for our children of tomorrow? If we do not do this then who do you see teaching the Truth when we are gone? Do you see this in the new watered down contemporary church that only speaks what the people want to hear? Wake Up men of God and come together for the sake of our children and for doing what is right by God!
The Persistence Of God That Changes The World!!!
February 13th, 2010
Throughout the Holy Bible we learn how to recognize the drive of God in the persistence of men and women who made a difference for the good of the people even when they faced all odds. It did not matter what they faced or whether they stood all alone because they knew the drive and direction that was given by God that strengthened their faith to serve the people.
Noah did not quit his task when the people mocked him for building a boat when they had never experienced rain. Abraham did not disobey God when the Lord gave him instructions nor did he give up on pleading with God to spare the righteous in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah before it was destroyed. Joseph did not give up just because others gave up on him or because of his circumstances in life. Moses never asked for his job nor did he even think that he was qualified. Ruth remained strong in character and true to God even when the society around her was collapsing. Samuel did not go back to sleep when Eli told him to just lay back down! David was the least of all his brothers but had the heart of a lion when someone spoke against our living God. Esther risked her life for the life of others when she went against the traditions that were followed by the people. Job did not give in to Satan when he suffered so greatly even when those around him made false accusations. Daniel never gave in to man for what he knew was right in his heart by God! Nehemiah did not give in just because the task was so large and the people that he had to face!
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Why is it many seem to not be listening and not seeing what is taking place all around us? Are we blind to the facts before us? Many men have fallen to telling Samuel to go back to bed as Eli without recognizing the calling upon his life! The Lord is sending us messages all around and many don’t seem to be listening while others have have lost hope. I am here to tell you to never give up and with God in front all things are possible no matter how far we have drifted away from our foundation!!!
We need to come together within the Christian body to gain strength and to organize a unified voice that will begin a movement in properly serving the people. If we do not do this then we will only continue to suffer while others will fade away in all the darkness that is surrounding us. There is power when we come together to get things done and as long as we continue to work in all different directions without some organized effort to improve this nation then our children are going to suffer even worse than ourselves.
So what if we lose our lives or everything we have! For with God we have everything and without Him what do we really have? There is great Honor in the Kingdom of God to those who understand the true meaning of putting ourselves second to others instead of first. This is not about disorder but about giving direction to rebuild this nation on the foundation of God while acting in the love of Jesus Christ. There comes a point in every Christian that we must say,” Enough is enough and what you are doing is not right by God and hurting the people!”
John Adams once said, ” We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our constitution was made only for moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
President George Washington once said, ” It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”
The United States of America is doing exactly what 1 Thessalonians 2:16 speaks of in the Holy Bible. Judgement is coming and those who are blind to the facts or to those who simply don’t believe will suffer greatly. Those that are last will be first and those that that are first will be last, why? Because the men that are first are not willing to lose what they have for the sake of others.
I do not know what else to say, for it is in the Lord’s timing that we will all come together once again. I still believe in this country and I pray that we come together to rebuild this nation into the country it once was in helping those in need while giving hope and oppurtunity to our children of tomorrow. Men of God Stand Up and do what is right for our children! For our future is at stake and our children’s lives depend on it!
James Harrison
Many Americans and even Christians have come to a point in their life that they have lost sight in what the Word of God teaches. They speak of God but have forgotten how to rely on God! We have fallen to a point of survival instead of waiting on the right direction to receive what we need as the Lord provides. Satan in our minds wants us to grab hold of anything that comes our way because he knows that after repeated struggles we become weak in just accepting whatever it takes to stay alive. This is where we must stand on our foundation of God to analyze our decisions and to insure not only the immediate results but most importantly the future consequences to protect our children’s future.
The United States of America was built on the core principals that was given by God in the Holy Bible that once kept our homes, our schools, our work place, our country and even our churches intact. Well, I believe it is obvious to see what has taken place since we have become tolerant to sin while other’s have been steadily removing God from our foundation from which we stand.
James Madison, the primary author of the Constitution of The United States once said this,” We have staked the whole future of our new nation, not upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments.”
In brief let me possibly open your eyes to the principles in the Word of God in a simple way to understand why our founding fathers stressed the importance of the Word of God within the freedom of this country;
Imagine a large playground and just before the children are released to go play the teacher must set some ground rules in order to maintain the order within their freedom which they are about to receive. Can you see the purpose of these guidelines in order to maintain the discipline, the security, the order, and how to stand in love with each other as a group that respects what they have been given in their freedom? Does this mean once on the playground they can’t enjoy themselve’s? Absolutely not! But we learn in this message that there is time to work, a time to play, and a time to rest in order to do our very best.
There is so much wisdom in the Word of God and I never understood before now and let me tell you,”It is REAL and there is a reason for rules and commandments to follow.” Because without the teacher giving us the instruction and correcting us when we get out of line then how do you honestly see the children acting in the playground with others? Do you see some hording a certain swing? Do you see some trying to take something from others? Do you see some even abusing other children at a distance? Do you see some sitting all alone under a tree while others call them names in being free? What about the teacher or the person in charge, do you see them having a responsibility and job to do? What happens if they only cater to some and neglect others? Or better yet, what if they simply don’t care and turn the children out to play so they can just go on with their selfish ways?
Our country needs to return to God in the center of our focus with repentant hearts in prayer while turning from our sinful nature!!! The Lord has mercy in His grace through the love of Jesus Christ and God has proven throughout history that when His people return to Him that He will carry His body through their trials to one day stand again. Our country is setting ourselves up for a hard lesson to come economically, agriculturally and even in our way of life! It is only a matter of time before this takes place and the only thing we can do is to return to God and pray to be restored within the body of Christ. The signs are every where in human behavior, in natural disasters, and within the control of governments removing the freedom from which we stand. If we as a whole do not return to one nation under God then prepare for the wrath to only get worse! By returning we will find new strength to rebuild what has been lost in our families, in our homes, in our economy, in our nation, and even in our churches!
With Gods’ instruction and purpose of keeping life in perspective this gives us the wholesomeness in the body that many people have lost. There is nothing better in life than having genuine love within the family and spending time with each other in sharing our joys and even our pains that we face in life. Everything starts in our individual lives and then spreads from there. Start the positive growth now and return to God with Jesus guiding your path to restore what we have lost for the sake of our children’s future.
James Harrison